Cannabis Rewards 🎁
Send Unlimited Push Notifications with 100% Deliverability

Texting and social media just don’t cut it when it comes to cannabis. Send your messages the right way, bypassing restrictions with 100% delivery guaranteed.

Opt In

Opt in using any phone with a QR code, referral from a friend, or from your website!

Send Alerts

Send notifications and location based alerts when people are close to your store 📲

Give Rewards

Bring your loyal customers back with an automated reward system 🤑

Loyalty marketing for cannabis dispensaries doesn’t need to be so complicated!

Speak freely without limitations: Use terms like “pot,” “edibles,” and “THC” freely, without worrying about blocked messages or banned numbers.

Explore a sample dispensary loyalty card on your mobile device!

Make your brand part of their phone! Customers scan a simple QR code, and your dispensary’s loyalty card instantly becomes a part of their digital wallet.


Want to boost customer loyalty?

Schedule a time to chat with us. Our team is ready to help.